It is no doubt that childhood obesity has skyrocketed not just in the United States, but in many developed nations around the world. Is it more resources, too much food availability, too many unhealthy choices, ease of fast food availability. The answer is, likely all of them. Does genetics play a part in some cases? In short, absolutely. So what are we to do to keep our kids healthy starting from young ages.
The answer lies in the way we see things when we go out shopping for our children for food. I have talked extensively in many articles and videos on my site on how you as an adult should be thinking and understanding to lose weight. But it is your responsibility to teach your child the same. When you allow your child to chose items at a grocery aisle without explaining to them that it is unhealthy and likely junk, or get items that are easy to obtain and require hardly any prep work, you are endorsing future weight gain for your child.
Please read the articles that I have written regarding childhood obesity.
Now, you ask me, Doc I want my child to be healthy and not have to worry about losing weight as they grow older. I will say, well lets see how you are training your child to choose their health above desires.
The following 6 steps will teach you how to grow a health conscious child:
1. Tell your child, if they are at a stage of understanding that the choices that they make matter. Take them with you to the grocery stores and show them what are healthier options rather than junk. Start at young age and have them choose the healthier options. This is an excellent exercise and will train them from the get go to choose health over indulgences.
2. Start limiting all sugary beverages, candies, icecreams and any sweet snacks to one snack once a week. Sounds extreme? Think back in old days when such varieties of candies, chocolates and a gazzilion flavors of ice cream didn't exist. The kids chose natural, healthier options. Fruits, sweet potataoes, and naturally sweet options such as raisins rather than the variety in the sweets aisle.
3. Get them involved in the kitchen. Yes, they can be young but safely letting them cook healthy meals with you, helping back breads from scratch or baking cakes and cookies with half the sugar from the grocery store, makes a big difference. Kids learn how to make healthy food and how to substitute for healthier options. This is a great way to bond as well.
4. Limit putting a variety on the table. Keep kids meals simple by making plates with your chosen foods before hand. This limits the temptation to overeat and allows the child to limit his choices to the healthier options you have provided. Studies show that having a buffet style meal with everything laid out causes overeating and overindulgence. Keep food choices simple for yourself and your kids.
5. Once a week, let the kids indulge. Choose a day out of the week they can eat icecream or cake. Allow them to enjoy, and be firm in keeping that day. This gives the kids something to look forward and prevents daily nagging for junk.
6. Lastly, remember that you are blessed to look after your kids. It is a responsibility and an obligation of the parent to guide the child not just morally but also in health. If your choices are poor from early age, studies point towards adult onset obesity starting from increased bmi in childhood. Keep your kids health conscious from the beginning and set them for success in the future. No kid wants to grow up and be obese, struggle with diabetes and heart issues. Same way we tell them to brush their teeth and go to school so they can be somebody, same priority goes to their health and yours.
Many people with young kids do not think often about teaching grocery shopping or cooking a meal with them. But these are important steps in teaching them to eat healthy, loose weight. There is no point to worry later when your child grows up and is struggling with weight loss, diabetes or heart disease. The power to control is when they are young and the goal is to teach.